by Taller Empresarial 2.0



Welcome to CECOnet, the digital platform that gives you the opportunity to connect with other associate members of the Confederation of Businessmen of Córdoba (CECO).From CECOnet you will have information of interest about business news in Córdoba: tenders, training, agreements, events, etc.In addition, CECO associate members will keep their profiles updated to establish a direct communication channel with them, and will also add information about their actions in the green economy, with the purpose of serving as an example for other companies.On the other hand, associate members may upload news about their products, services or any other information that they consider of interest to the business community.In short, CECONet is a new communication and information tool developed by CECO to improve synergies between the business community.Project subsidized by: Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba - IMDEEC